Thursday, December 15, 2011


Mes belles, this is my outfit for the Office Christmas Party happening tonight. I bought this dress from a cute fashion designer girl @ Siam Square, Thailand and I was truly amazed how contemporary fashion is flourishing there, a whole neighbourhood is dedicated to true one-of-a-kind mini boutiques and all these unique pieces are available at extremely low prices. I do hope there will be a next time when I'll be a lot more prepared taking only an empty suitcase and bringing all these gorgeous things home with me!

This year's Christmas will be a bit special for me, instead of doing the usual tour de family, I will be far away, it will be just the two of us with David. A perfect escape. I'm not saying I don't love my family but having a blended one can sometimes be a bit of a burden.
While away I'll try to post from time to time but first I will try to focus on us relaxing and spending as much quality time together as possible.
You know, escape a bit.

But I'll be back in town soon, mes belles, and compensate for these quiet weeks.
Till then have fun and happy holidays!!!

ps: I'm wearing a lovely evening dress designed by a Thai fashion school graduate, a DIY hairbow and silver sandals from a thrift shop.

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