Tuesday, December 13, 2011


So here I am, mes belles, wearing these two vibrant, beautiful colours making me smile!
If colours could get married I would definitely make a couple of mustard yellow and royal blue, powder pink and caramel brown, red and beige, red and pink, orange an pink, wow, I love colour blocking sooo much! I cannot believe that there are people in this world condemned to wear black or one single colour in their entire lives. Or just stick to one. There is this friend of mine convinced that pink is not her colour. Neither is yellow, green and red. She only wears pigeon grey and black and from time to time she puts on some daring browns.
Oh, girls! Please don't deprive yourselves from colours. They can change your mood and the world we live in.
I remember laughing out loud when seeing a Barbie pink bus and a baby blue taxi parked next to each other in Bangkok. And how I found our home soo boringly plain when arriving home.

So here is a colourful and vibrant outfit for you, mes belles, enough of black & grey!
This is what I'm wearing:
my fave royal blue vintage cape, vintage blazer (mustard yellow, of course), asos boots & bag.

Oh, and in style for yellow, here is my new fave video, the latest Goldfrapp track: Yellow Halo!


1 comment:

  1. so in this colourful world of yours, polygamy is accepted as I see :]
